Indwelling Catheterization: The Maladies of a Medical Marvel

The advent of catheters

have leaped the tallest building by enhancing our quality of life.  However, who could have predicted the kryptonite of their overuse? When employed judiciously catheters  provide quality healthcare.   In the early 1930s, Dr. Frederic E. B. Foley improved the functionality of catheters by designing a latex retaining balloon near the tip of the tube. That made it possible for indwelling catheters to stay in the bladder without the need of external taping or strapping.   Interestingly, he did not invent the first catheter although we reference his name when asking for one.   Much earlier have they been implemented and have been very much in demand. Continue reading Indwelling Catheterization: The Maladies of a Medical Marvel
